If your looking for a cottage rental to snowmobile in Bancroft Ontario, then this is a destination you need to know about. Located in Ontario Highlands, the little town of Bancroft is one of Canada’s finest outdoor playgrounds.
When searching for the best snow conditions for your Ontario snowmobile tour, snowmobilers should bear in mind three factors. They are elevation, latitude and lake effect. Elevation refers to how high it is. Latitude to how far north it is. And lake effect to how much snow it gets from proximity to a large water body. While no Southern Ontario location scores perfect for all three factors, the Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Region does better than most.

Ontario’s Highlands is so-named because it encompasses the Algonquin, Haliburton and Madawaska Highlands (elevation). These are positioned between the Kawartha Lakes and Algonquin Park and run from Haliburton in the west to the Ottawa River in the east. With overall elevations in the 500-metre plus range, this high country sits as far north in Southern Ontario as you can get (latitude). And is also close enough to the lee of Georgian Bay to catch some of the snow it generates (lake effect).
Cognizant of these factors, our magazine crew headed to the town of Bancroft, ideally situated in the heart of these snowy highlands. Bancroft & District is a popular snowmobiling mecca. Typically one of those snowbelt destinations that gets snow when others in Southern Ontario don’t. And tends to keep it longer too.

Besides reliable snow from elevation, latitude and lake effect, snowmobile Bancroft Ontario has several other key attributes. They also make it an ideal staging hub for a great Ontario snowmobile tour. Not least of these is its location at the juncture of Highways 28 and 62. That’s an hour’s drive north of the 401 and less than two hours from eastern periphery of the Greater Toronto Area. This nearness means snowmobilers can easily trailer into Bancroft after work for a two or three-day weekend of sledding. And still be home for dinner Sunday night.